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Managing conflict

Do “transformational leadership”

February 12, 2019

Trigger conflicts with diversity

  • Now you know that positive effects could come off of a conflict, you might think of ways on how to stimulate it.
  • How can you make your team members disagree about their task?
  • Well, think about what you have learnt about team composition in the forming stage of a work team. Remember the power of diversity?
  • Diversity is one way to stimulate task conflict.
  • Because of variety in background, points of view and interests, chances are high that in diverse team members will disagree with each other.

Be careful about relationship conflict

  • However, before you start stirring up the fight in your diverse team, I would like to warn you that it is difficult to stimulate task conflict without simultaneously increasing relationship conflict.
  • Research shows that the two types of conflict often occur simultaneously and there are significant links between them. Particularly diversity could trigger relationship conflict.
  • That is, team members might have stereotyped ideas about each other, and their personal or cultural values might be clashing.

Do “transformational leadership”

  • There are some things that leaders can do to manage conflict in diverse teams though.
  • As such that the benefits of task conflict are reaped and the risks of relationship conflict are minimized.
  • We have related these actions to a well-studied leadership style that is called “transformational leadership”
  • As a transformational leader, you can set challenging - superordinate – task goals and high expectations.
  • Make sure that you – the manager - are a role model that team members can use to identify with the team.
  • Voice a vision that shows that diversity is valued and treat all team members equally respectfully.

Take care of the individuality of each one

  • Finally, it is very important that you not only support the team as a whole, but that you also support team members individually and provide them with feedback.
  • You can help them to identify their individual needs and to voice their concerns in an open and transparent working environment.