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Team conflict

Conflict can sometimes be good and should be stimulated!

February 10, 2019

Although people, in general, do not like conflict, practically all work teams encounter it one time or another.

  • That is, team members might disagree about how to solve a specific problem.
  • Or  one  team  member  is  frustrated  because  she  believes  that  she  works  harder  than  her team mates
  • Or two team members just do not like each other...  

Because engineers are trained to solve problems –using their analytical mindset –they commonly try to solve social conflicts.

However, this approach might not always be the most effective. In some cases it might be better to not interfere in a conflict.

Or it might be better to just listen to the fighting parties without coming up with a solution.

Conflict can sometimes be good and should be stimulated!