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What makes a good listener?

Concentrate, be active, do not interrupt and do not overreact

June 12, 2019
  1. Concentration on the speaker
    A good listener does have to concentrate on the speaker. Good listeners take care to concentrate on the speaker and what he or she is saying, and how they are saying it.
  2. Listening for facts AND ideas
    A good listener listens for both central ideas and themes as well as the facts.
  3. Active participation
    Listening requires our active participation, using all our facilities.
  4. Hearing loss is not fatal
    People with hearing loss can be great listeners! Hearing is just one part of the ability to listen effectively.
  5. Most people are bad listeners
    Most people are not as good at listening as they think they are. In fact, most of us need to learn to listen more effectively. It's a skill that needs to be cultivated.
  6. A good listener does not interrupt.
  7. Effective listening goes beyond the ears
    Effective listening involves more than just using your ears to hear. It also requires you to pay attention to body language as well as considering the history and context of your relationship with the speaker.
  8. Understanding the language is not sufficient
    Effective listening often involves more than hearing words, particularly in an intercultural context. A skillful listener must also be able to perceive what is sometimes quite complex nonverbal information. If you are in an unfamiliar cultural context avoid making assumptions or overreacting to what you hear.